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This page shows actual pictures for Carnival Spirit Camp Carnival. Most of our pictures are contributed by actual cruisers. You will find that all the Carnival Spirit Camp Carnival pictures on this page also posted directly onto our deck plans near the actual location the photo was taken. You can browse the pictures here or you can click on them as you are viewing the Carnival Spirit deck plans. For deck plan viewing click on the ship button above or scroll down to view the pictures on this page.

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Carnival Spirit Public Area

Camp Carnival

Camp Carnival
A supervised play area for 2-12 year olds.

  • Number of pictures: 3

Camp Carnival pictures

Click on the Carnival Spirit Camp Carnival pictures below for larger image and slide show. As you are viewing the slideshow the date the picture was uploaded to our website will be displayed on the top menu bar. Keep in mind that Carnival Spirit will typically update all its venues with new carpeting and decor every three to five years. We would like to thank the contributors shown for uploading these Camp Carnival pictures to our website. You can upload your photos HERE. We pay 25 cents each for any photos we use.

Carnival Spirit Camp Carnival picture Carnival Spirit Camp Carnival picture Carnival Spirit Camp Carnival picture

Camp Carnival Location

Carnival Spirit Camp Carnival is located on Upper (deck). We have provided the deck plan image for your reference.

Click for deck image

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