MSC World Asia
Deck-Drag Touch Devices Click Here [Change size of deck images: 100% | 75% | 50% | 25% ] |
TOUCH OR CLICK on image to drag it over other deck plan image (deck plan image will become transparent when you drag it).
CRUISE DECK PLANS MIGHT NOT ALL BE TO THE SAME SCALE in that case you can touch/click the edge of the image to dynamically resize it. (Hint: Try to line up elevators)
We have revised the script to work on touch screen mobile devices. For those devices only, click the link for touch screen devices and then scroll over to the decks you would like to drag. If you need to resize the
decks it is best to make some room around the decks to be able to scroll up and down. Keep the space clear until you are done resizing the decks. You may still need some space to scroll up and down. On smaller screens
it does take some practice.
This tool will help to see what is above and below your cruise ship stateroom cabin. This
should help you avoid being stuck in a stateroom that may have a lot of noise on
the cruise deck over you. Avoid cruise ship public areas (pool, buffet, spa, kitchen, etc...)
your cruise on the MSC World Asia cruise ship!